Complaint Form Hero

Food Establishment Complaint Form

Your Input Helps

Your input and concerns are important to THD. If you saw or experienced possible unsafe food-handling practices or unhealthy conditions, please complete and submit the form below. Though results of THD investigations are available to the public, your identity and other personal information remain strictly confidential.

The Tulsa Health Department takes all consumer complaints regarding foodborne illness seriously. Our staff investigates complaints suspected of causing foodborne illness as a result of eating in a food establishment in Tulsa County.

If you are filing a complaint because you became ill after eating and/or drinking at a food service establishment in Tulsa County, please call (918) 595-4300 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for a brief and strictly confidential interview. When you call, please be prepared to answer specific questions about your experience. The interview may take up to 20 minutes. The following information will be needed in order to start the initial investigation.
  • The name, age and contact information of the individual(s) who became ill*
  • The suspected food & establishment that caused the illness
  • The symptoms you are experiencing (what they are like, frequency, when they started, how long they lasted)
  • What & where you ate for 3 days prior to becoming ill
  • The suspected food & establishment that caused the illness
*Your identity and any personal information you provide will remain strictly confidential.

Reporting foodborne illnesses helps us to identify potential foodborne disease outbreaks. By investigating foodborne illness complaints, we are provided an opportunity to assist the food service industry with identifying the best food safety practices to prevent foodborne disease outbreaks.

Complaint Form
Establishment Address