Healthy Lifestyles Healthy Eating Hero

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Being consistently healthy in your eating choices is the key because making the same healthy eating choices over time can lead to better eating habits. Here you will find the inspiration and information you need to help make healthy eating a way of life.

Healthy Dining

Americans dine out an average of 4-5 times per week. Often, restaurant meals contain an entire day's worth of calories and fat and are typically low in vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, there are ways to eat a healthy and nutritious meal while dining out.

Grow Your Own Vegetables

Nothing is more delicious than fresh produce you've grown in your own backyard. With a little time and very little or no money, you can grow your own vegetables at home and it’s a fun project for the entire family. No shopping, just picking and enjoying. Growing your own garden may seem daunting, but our experts have some basic advice to get you started.